ReportOUT and House of Guramayle have signed a partnership agreement to work together to conduct research into sexual and gender minority Ethiopians and people who identify as Ethiopian who live elsewhere, to document their lived experiences and any human rights abuses that they may face.
Beginning on 1st February 2021 until 1st February 2022, the research will take the form of a nation-state survey as well as a selection of case studies based on lived experiences which is vastly under-researched.
Leading the research, ReportOUT will develop the research model with House of Guramayle then implementing the findings from the research and use it as an advocacy tool when examining SOGIESC (LGBTQI+) life in Ethiopia and elsewhere, using their networks and contacts.
As a UK based charity, ReportOUT continue to take an invested interest in SOGIESC issues around the globe, a key trustee, Suleyman Matos explained:
"This is an exciting time for ReportOUT. Based off the back of our 'OUT in Uganda' research in 2020, we were approached by the House of Guramayle to take part in a similar piece of research, to examine the human rights and lived experiences of SOGIESC Ethiopians. Both ReportOUT and the House of Guramayle are proud to introduce our 'OUT in Ethiopia' research. We look forward to working with them on this truly ground breaking research!"
This will also be one of the few studies of Ethiopia which explore the human rights conditions of sexual and gender minorities, bringing any scarce and existing research up to date.
Commenting on the new partnership, Bahi Shewaye, Co-Founder House of Guramayle also stated:
". We are excited to be working a partnership with ReportOUT on this research. In a culture and space that discriminates against us, documenting the violence we face is a revolutionary act"
The research will also be widely shared with key policy and law makers, the UK Network for Global Equality, the APPG in Global LGBTQI+ Rights and to global INGOS.
For more information about House of Guramayle please visit houseofguramayle.org