We begin our brand new blog series with an overview of Argentina, where the recent election of a populist right-wing government is argued by ReportOUT researcher Sofia Victoria Rodriguez, to pose a threat to the core rights of LGBTQ+ communities in a nation previously known for its far-reaching equality.
Over the forty years of democracy in Argentina, feminist and LGBTIQ+ movements have witnessed significant progress in terms of organization and achievements. From the approval of the Divorce Law in 1987, the Equal Marriage Law in 2010, and the Gender Identity Law in 2012 (considered the only depathologizing law in the world), to the implementation of comprehensive legislations addressing violence, the enactment of the Comprehensive Sexual Education Law for all educational levels, and the most recent Abortion Law, empowering women and pregnant people to make decisions about their own bodies.
However, the triumph of the "La Libertad Avanza" (“Freedom Advances”) party, led by Javier Milei, in the elections last November, jeopardizes these achievements. This far-right political force embraces anti-feminism as a central part of its government program, aligning with right-wing ideologies in other countries. In addition to the setbacks for feminist movements, there are also attacks on activists and human rights advocates.
In this context, the Gender and Diversity Department of the National ATE Union has compiled the report titled "The Advancement of Political Violence by New Right-Wing Forces against the Achievements of Feminist and LGTBIQ+ Movements." The report documents the increase in violence directed at the achievements of feminist, transfeminist, and LGTBIQ+ movements from Milei's victory in the primary elections in August to his assumption of the presidency in December. At least 169 actions that undermine the gains of the transfeminist movement have been recorded, manifested through attacks on activists, symbols, laws, or institutions.
‘Like Lice’
In this regard, various representatives from the winning party have publicly made homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic statements. During the campaign, Vice
President Victoria Villarruel took a stance against equal marriage, stating that the law was unnecessary as civil unions were sufficient for non-heterosexual people. Additionally, during a television interview, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino, compared being gay or lesbian to having lice, explaining that it is natural for some people to find them repugnant. In a similar vein, presidential advisor Carlos Rodriguez stated that seeing homosexuals disgusts him to the point of causing stomach pain.
If individuals in positions of power spread such hate speech, what can we expect but an increase in violence and hate crimes against the LGBTIQ+ community?

A Disregard for Hard-Won Progress
In addition to these statements, among the initial actions of the new government is the closure of the Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity, as well as the National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (INADI), "thought police" so called by the president. These two entities played a crucial role in ensuring compliance with international treaties related to human rights, equality, and non-discrimination. The assault on these achievements and institutions that guarantee greater equality and self-determination for people can only be described as political violence. These actions precisely aim to undermine the power base of these communities and eliminate their hard-won achievements, the tangible results of their struggles reflected in laws.
Without organizations like INADI, various forms of intolerance, discrimination, and stigmatizing practices would find no limits or containment, potentially generating tensions within the democratic fabric of the country.
Additionally, the government issued a decree on the prohibition on the use of gender inclusive language in the public administration, as well as anything related to gender perspective, which they argue "destroys the values of society." This regulation, furthermore, threatens sanctions against those who violate the regulation.
Notably, aggressions and threats on social media and in the streets have already begun to escalate. Among them, an ambush against an individual returning home after the pride march, an assault on a teacher carrying the pride flag in her backpack, and physical attacks on activist and human rights defenders have stood out. Additionally, numerous threats and attacks have been perpetrated against various advocates, activists, and well-known journalists for their feminist advocacy, accompanied by sustained harassment targeting social and union leaders.
The Fightback Begins
The new government is just beginning, but the horizon appears turbulent. Faced with the surge of the far-right, which promises to undermine the rights and lives of the LGBTIQ+ community, there is an urgent need to forge alliances to defend the longstanding struggles for dignified work and social, civil, and political rights.
The far-right seeks to dismantle all that has been achieved, and the LGBTIQ+ community has a history of suffering, indignities, violence, and threats that, rather than paralyze, reignites activism with greater strength.
The community is active, and its resilience is the seed planted to continue nourishing and growing with the certainty of transforming everything until a desired shared life, a life worthy of living, is achieved.
Article By Sofia Victoria Rodriguez
Ateorgar (2023) Se registraron 169 acciones que atentan contra las conquistas de los movimientos feministas y LGBTIQNB+ - ATE. https://ate.org.ar/se-registraron-169-acciones-que-atentan-contra-las-conquist as-de-los-movimientos-feministas-y-lgbtiqnb/.
El Pais (2024) Milei anuncia la prohibición del lenguaje inclusivo y de “todo lo referente a la perspectiva de género” https://elpais.com/argentina/2024-02-27/milei-anuncia-la-prohibicion-del-lengu aje-inclusivo-y-de-todo-lo-referente-a-la-perspectiva-de-genero.html
Emergentes (2024) 'Inadi y la amenaza de su cierre a manos de Milei: un retroceso para los derechos humanos en Argentina,' Medium, 23 January. https://medium.com/emergentesmedio/inadi-y-la-amenaza-de-su-cierre-a-manos-de- milei-un-retroceso-para-los-derechos-humanos-en-c362c65cf565.
Presentes, A. (2023) Agresiones y mensajes de odio a personas LGBT tras el triunfo de Milei. https://agenciapresentes.org/2023/11/28/agresiones-y-mensajes-de-odio-a-personas -lgbt-tras-el-triunfo-de-milei/.
Rapisardi, F. (2023) '¿Qué podemos esperar las personas y comunidades LGBT+ del gobierno que viene?,' PAGINA12, 1 December. https://www.pagina12.com.ar/690259-que-podemos-esperar-las-personas-y-comunid ades-lgbt-del-gobi