Join our new course!
Our OUTAcademy is a virtual academy where we train up the future leaders and activists of the future, to make social change happen for sexual and gender minorities.
For example, our Global Campaigner Training course has been a huge success over the last three years, training over 100+ people to become the LGBTQ+ activists of the future.
Read about how we work to inspire others to make social change happen, below.

Course: NGO and Campaign Creation
ReportOUT are working in partnership with Queer for Queer to offer a fantastic new course in NGO and Campaign Creation.
If you gain a place in our course, we will share both of our joint skills at ReportOUT, and Queer for Queer, to teach you the basics needed for developing an NGO, including how to put together campaigns to make social change happen.
Our course is aimed at those who are new to NGO development and activism, as we recognise that training opportunities for the future generation of change-makers are not always accessible to sexual and gender minorities.
Who is delivering this course?
Queer for Queer:
Queer for Queer is a UK registered charity with international reach through online programmes and activities. Their mission is to connect disadvantaged queer individuals and communities with queer professionals and queer and ally organisations. This will provide business creation and vocational skills education, alongside employment advice and opportunities. Queer for Queer will be leading the NGO creation element of this training course.
Queer for Queer
ReportOUT are a global human rights organisation for sexual and gender minorities. We report, inform, and defend, which means we research (with partners in nation states) the human rights abuses of sexual and gender minorities, we educate the public about what is happening, and we campaign at United Nations level for social change. ReportOUT will be providing the campaigner and activist training element of the course.
What has been the feedback from previous Queer for Queer courses?
"I got emotional when I was reading about what Q4Q does, this is exactly what we need."
"There's been little to no space for LGBTQ people to participate in such programmes. It brings me great joy to be a part of it."
What has been the feedback from previous ReportOUT's campaigner courses?
100% of respondents rated ReportOUT's campaigner course as 'excellent' overall
100% of respondents rated the teaching and facilitators on ReportOUT's course as 'excellent' overall
100% of respondents rated the resources supplied and used on ReportOUT's course as 'excellent' overall
90% of respondents said their skills as a campaigner improved significantly as a result of completing this course.
90% of respondents said their confidence as a campaigner improved significantly as a result of completing this course

I tend to forget my words whenever I am nervous but I realised that everyday while attending the sessions, my confidence grew. I was able to openly talk and participate in conversations without feeling judged or ridiculed" (Attendee)
This course is very important for LGBTIQA + communities to go forward and get their rights" (Attendee)
Every topic covered is a big step toward making me a good campaigner. In other words, it relates, or gives answers to every question a campaigner could ever ask" (Attendee)
Mind blowing, impactful, strategic, comprehensive and helpful" (Attendee)
The participatory approach and methodology used by the facilitators which allowed us participants to fully engage, share and expand our views… that was great" (Attendee)
Course content and questions:
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone who recognises themselves as a sexual and gender minority (see also: LGBTQ+). This is also inclusive of people who are queer and intersex. This course is open to people of all nation states aged 18+.
How long is the course?
This is an extended course held over a weekly period of 14 weeks, needing 2 hours commitment per week and additional time for homework and online learning tasks.
Are there assignments?
Yes. We have two assignments, a presentation and a campaign pack. Both must be completed in order to gain a certificate for this course, and to join our Alumni group.
Will I just have Zoom meetings and assignments to do?
No, you will have to do more than just turn up, as we will enrol you in a virtual learning environment called Moodle, which you will be expected to log into regularly over the course of the training course. Moodle is an online learning environment where you will complete weekly discussion threads, learn problem-based learning activities, take part in watching recorded videos before the online sessions, read documents, and connect with each other. You will also be given homework to complete.
What will be covered in this course?
Part 1: NGO Creation (7 weeks)
Week 1: Define and refine - your vision, missions and values statements
Week 2: Marketing part one (product and price) - your product/service/experience/campaign and its value
Week 3: Marketing part two - your area of operation and promotional activities.
Week 4: Finance and legal - your funding and financing options and the legal format of your organisation.
Week 5: Sustainability and ethics - lead your organisation in a way which is sustainable and ethical to you, others, and the Earth.
Week 6: Support and safety - your personal well-being and safety, and the safety of your organisation.
Week 7: Presentations.
Part 2: Campaign Creation (7 weeks)
Week 8: How did global LGBTQI+ human rights develop and why are these frameworks useful for you as a campaigner?
Week 9: What is meant by a social movement? Theories of social movements and campaigns.
Week 10: Writing a Theory of Change (TOC) for your NGO and for your campaign.
Week 11: How can theories and principles support the foundation and success of your campaign?
Week 12: Traditional to creative tactics - what are some of the key tactics used in a campaign?
Week 13: How do you campaign digitally? Revisiting your TOC to collect data for impact.
Week 14: Presenting your final campaign pack.
Course dates and times:
The course starts on Monday the 19th February 2024 and lasts for 14 consecutive weeks on a Monday. The final session will be held on the 20th May 2024. It is two hours per week on a Monday from 3pm - 5pm (U.K. London) time.
I am interested and I can give this commitment! What happens next?
Read the terms and conditions below and then click on the button to email Queer for Queer for an application form.
Terms and conditions before you consider applying for this course:
You must be dedicated to NGO creation and development, as well as learning about campaign and advocacy development.
You should be planning to either start an NGO or be ready to start a campaign.
This course is delivered in English, and so a good written and spoken level of English is needed.
We do not provide allowances or pay for data and so this should be supplied by you.
You will be expected to attend 100% of all sessions, failure to do so could lead to removal from the course.
You must use Moodle frequently and to use it to complete tasks before the live sessions on Zoom.
You must be willing to speak to us in the future so we can develop you as a case study of success.
We do not accept all applicants - spaces are limited to 20 people, so please write your best, and most detailed, application once you recieve the form.
If you have not done so yet please sign up to our email newsletter to hear about other opportunities, as well as future training courses should you not be successful.