Following the success of the OUT In Uganda research project in 2020, steps are already underway for ReportOUT’s newest project, OUT in Morocco. The main aim is to use extensive and up to date research to document the lives of sexual and gender minorities in Morocco and some of the lived experiences they have to endure on a daily basis.
As part of this important project ReportOUT have also entered into a partnership with Alwan, The Moroccan LGBT Community and Nassawiyat, three highly respected SOGIESC advocacy organisations who are all equally passionate about ensuring that the lives and voices of sexual and gender minorities in Morocco are taken seriously.
A Memorandum of Understanding has also been signed by all partners which is set in place until April 2021, whereby Alwan, The Moroccan LGBT Community and Nassawiyat will be pro-active in spreading out the survey and making links with other potential ally organizations inside and outside of that nation state to ensure that it gains maximum range and respondents.

The three main partners will also be instrumental in supporting with case studies and local information as ReportOUT carries out an in-depth and extensive review of the legal, social and political infrastructure in Morocco. The research gathered will also be made accessible to all of the partners which they too can use to further their advocacy work Moroccan sexual and gender minority community.
Samir from The Moroccan LGBT Community stated:
“For all our supporters of the LGBTQ+ rights and struggle for freedom, in Morocco or abroad, we are very excited and glad to announce that we are expanding our eveadour to gain our rights by working with ReportOut, UK based NGO documenting LGBTQ rights around the world!”
Despite being held to account by the United Nation under international human rights law, at present under Article 489 of Morocco’s own penal code, same-sex relationships are still criminalised which can also lead to receiving punishment in the form of imprisonment between 6 months to 3 years, as well as financial penalties too. These are just some of the obstacles that communities within the country have to face.

Commenting on the new partnership Hazan from the organisation Alwan stated:
“Alwan Organization is working enthusiastically with its partners (LGBT Organization in Morocco and ReportOut Organization) to issue a comprehensive report on the situation of LGBTQ people in Morocco.”
“تعمل منظمة آلوان بكل حماس مع شركائها كل من ( منظمة مجتمع الميم في المغرب و منظمة ريبورت اوت ) على إصدار تقرير شامل عن اوضاع مجتمع الميم في المغرب”
Through the OUT in Morocco project, ReportOUT along with the partners hope to be able to raise awareness of the issues facing sexual and gender minority Moroccans, influence policymakers and achieve meaningful change, which will benefit the community so that their fundamental human rights are respected without the fear of being disadvantaged or having their lives put in danger.
To stay up to date with all the latest developments on the research please sign up to our newsletter where progress of the project will be made available in coming months.
Article By Thushara Chandrasiri